Introducing Perception Point: Our New Partner in Advanced Cybersecurity Solutions

We’re excited to announce our partnership with Perception Point, a leading cybersecurity company dedicated to defending businesses against sophisticated cyber threats. This collaboration is a significant step forward in our commitment to providing comprehensive security solutions. In this post, we’ll introduce you to Perception Point, explain why we partnered with them, and give you a preview of how this collaboration will enhance our cybersecurity offerings.

Who is Perception Point?

Perception Point leads in advanced threat detection and prevention, offering state-of-the-art solutions against a wide range of cyber threats. Their technology leverages advanced AI algorithms, behavior analysis, and real-time monitoring to provide unmatched protection against ransomware, phishing, and zero-day exploits.

Why We Partnered with them:

We partnered with Perception Point because of their innovative technology. Their solutions utilize the latest advancements in AI and machine learning, ensuring accurate and fast threat detection and neutralization.

Additionally, their comprehensive protection covers all bases, from email and web to advanced endpoint security, making it a one-stop solution for our clients.

Furthermore, Perception Point has a proven track record, with successful case studies and a strong industry reputation, demonstrating their ability to protect organizations of all sizes from sophisticated cyber threats.


In conclusion, our partnership with Perception Point significantly enhances our cybersecurity offerings. By integrating their advanced solutions, we’re better equipped to protect clients from today’s digital threats. Stay tuned for our articles on how Perception Point is revolutionizing cybersecurity.

newtech partnered with perception point