KnowBe4 Security Awerness Training

KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training, the largest complete Security Awareness Training and Simulated Phishing platform in the world, has more than 50,000 users. With this platform, you now have a comprehensive solution to better manage IT security issues, including social engineering, spear phishing, and ransomware assaults.

Training and Testing Features:

KnowBe4 offers self-service enrollment. Additionally, it provides world-class, user-friendly new-school security awareness training. Furthermore, it offers pre-and post-training phishing security tests to reveal the proportion of end users that are Phish-prone. Moreover, KnowBe4’s very efficient, regular, random Phishing Security Tests offer several corrective measures.

Assessment and Evaluation:

Utilize KnowBe4 Assessments to evaluate your users’ security awareness skills and the broader security culture of your company. These evaluations assist you in modifying training to meet knowledge gaps and weaknesses. Additionally, they help in tracking the effects of your security awareness training program on enhancing users’ security awareness knowledge and attitudes over time.

Benchmarking and Comparison:

You can contrast your organization’s security awareness proficiency results with those of other businesses in your sector using the tools of the Security Awareness Proficiency Assessment and Security Culture Survey. Examine your organization’s performance in relation to the seven security knowledge areas and the seven dimensions of security culture using the results of your baseline assessment and survey. Also, keep track of how well your organization is doing over time.

User Experience Enhancements:

With the updated end-user security awareness training interface, your users will enjoy a brand-new learning environment that makes learning enjoyable and engaging. Additionally, you can provide your users with 24/7 access to assigned training via the KnowBe4 Learner App. This makes it simple for them to learn whenever and wherever they want. Moreover, the localized training interface for KnowBe4 is offered in a variety of languages, allowing your users to select the one they feel most at ease using for an immersive training experience.

Customization Options:

If you want to add custom training or other corporate training materials to the KnowBe4 security awareness training materials, you can now do so. You can manage both your own SCORM-compliant training and video materials in one location, together with the KnowBe4 ModStore training material.

Risk Detection and Reporting:

You may begin to detect risk at the user, group, and organizational levels with the new Virtual Risk Officer and Advanced Reporting tools. These tools will assist you in making data-driven decisions regarding your security awareness plan. Additionally, you may assess the success of your security awareness training program by looking at next-level reporting for simulated phishing and security awareness training campaigns.

Automated Program Implementation:

When it comes to developing a security awareness program that will work for their firm, many IT professionals are unsure about where to begin. With the help of our Automated Security Awareness Program, we have eliminated all the uncertainty. If you want to implement all the procedures to establish a comprehensive security awareness training program for your firm quickly, ASAP enables you to create a bespoke curriculum for it.

Develop Your Users

The greatest collection of security awareness training materials available anywhere in the globe, including newsletters, interactive modules, movies, games, and posters. automated reminder emails for training campaigns.

Phish Your Users

Thousands of templates with limitless use and best-in-class, fully automated simulations of phishing assaults.

See The Results

Management-ready, enterprise-strength reporting with statistics and graphs for security awareness training and phishing. Show the fantastic ROI!